Hear SG Lewis’ wavy new single, ‘Blue’


SG Lewis has shared his new single ‘Blue’, the first song to be lifted off his upcoming project, ‘Dawn’. Set as the finale to his three-part collection, which has spanned past-releases ‘Dusk’ and ‘Dark’, Lewis’ full combination of ‘Dusk, Dark, Dawn’ will drop later this year, and will feature THEY’s Drew Love, Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs and London Grammar’s Dot Major.

The euphoric, psychedelia-tinged ‘Blue’ is entirely performed and produced by the producer, who returns to the style of his early breakthrough tracks, eschewing a guest feature in favour of performing all vocals himself.

Of the song, SG says “Blue is the first track off of Dawn and is something I am hugely proud of. The track is bit of a journey that transports to a second dimension in the latter half. I created it in London with my long-term collaborators, Phairo and Frances, and I feel like it is the perfect introduction to the third and final part of the project”.

Listen below: