Having premiered it during his recent appearance at this summer’s Reading and Leeds Festival, Riton has now shared the studio edit of ‘Dangerous’, his huge new collaboration with Chicago-native, Kid Enigma.
Flaunting an irresistible bassline and packed with club-ready chords, the addictive track follows the recent release of ‘Foreign Ororo’, Riton’s joint album with Kah-Lo.
“When I heard an early demo of ‘Dangerous’ I was hooked straight away and cheekily asked if I could jump in on the production as I had a few ideas,” said Riton, adding “After we got it sounding phat, I tested it at Reading/Leeds Festival, and then also in Ibiza – with some mental mosh pit reactions!”
Kid Enigma added “I wrote Dangerous as an inspiration to anyone who is self-conscious and has ever been told they couldn’t be anything they wanted to be, or that they weren’t beautiful just the way they are…We are all different. People love to talk, just let them converse. Put in work and love yourself. Be sure you are free, fly and fabulous, because THAT is what makes you dangerous to those who aren’t.”
Listen to the thumping cut below: